
also.. anyone know how to get adium to connect to a yahoo acct?

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:39 AM, M <moeedsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks a bundle :)  Working great.
> Another question is that if i copy vidalia, and portable firefox to an
> encrypted drive and launch it from their.. will the data written be isolated
> to the encrypted drive or no?
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Ted Smith <ted...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-09-29 at 07:46 +0000, M wrote:
>> > Hello agan,
>> >
>> > whats a good program for mac equivalent to XP pidgin? I'm looking for
>> > safe Tor configuration as well as encrypted chat.
>> >
>> Adium.
>> > Is Adium safe to use with TOR? Also, does the encryption in it only
>> > work when chatting to others using adium also, or will it work if they
>> > are using Pidgin?
>> Adium is a Cocoa UI for libpurple, which is the same library Pidgin
>> uses. It should (I haven't used it) work fine with SOCKS proxies,
>> assuming Pidgin's support for proxies is implemented in libpurple.
>> Adium also uses OTR for its encryption protocol, which is the same
>> protocol that pidgin-OTR uses. XChat, irssi, and a few other clients
>> also support OTR.
>> I don't think Adium will work with the pidgin-encryption plugin, which
>> just does plain RSA encryption. But OTR is better anyways.

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