On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 4:32 AM, Anon Mus
<my.green.lant...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 2:05 PM, <kalitnik...@privatdemail.net> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> I found a fork (?) of tor software with GUI named Advanced Tor. I was
>>> surprised of its features, but found just nothing about it in web,
>>> though it has opened source placed in sf.net.
>>> Have you people discussed it? Please give a link to discussion if yes.
>>> Otherwise you are welcome (if it won`t break any or-talk rules),
>>> especially I`d like to know if someone can get through the code to
>>> check it for backdoors or something like that.
>>> Description and source:
>>> http://nemesis.te-home.net/Projects/AdvTor.html
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/advtor/
> http://nemesis.te-home.net/Projects/AdvTor.html
> When connecting to this site through Tor either I get a "disconnect" or a
> weird message saying  I am connecting via a proxy which is changing my data.
>  I have only once had an acutual web page to browse (right after it the
> first post to OR-TAlk).
> Is this a TOr problem (e.g. a ban by Tor exits) or a site problem?

Not sure what your trouble is here, but Tor doesn't ban sites.  I just
tried connecting there, and it worked fine for me.

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