That is normal right after you start Tor up. What your seeing is Tor
is still building circuits. After a short period, it does level out,
then you should only be showing several circuits. Your dl/up speeds
will vary during this and will level off shortly after.

After your connection has been up for a while ie: several days, your
speeds will pick up as the other nodes get to know your node.
Everything is normal of what your seeing.  :)

Thanks for running Tor.


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Joe Btfsplk <> wrote:
>  Recently noticed Tor being slower than usual & network map shows MANY new
> connections building, then failing VERY quickly. (within a sec or so).  Does
> this constantly - one connection after another.  Using Vidalia
>;  Torbutton 1.2.5.
> Sometimes there are at least 3 connections open - sometimes not.  1st time
> I've seen this.
> Did close Vidalia / Tor, Polipo, Firefox 3.6.10 & Torbutton, the restart -
> couple of times - no change.
> During the connection, for brief times, D/L speeds may get up to "normal"
> for me - but not for long.
> Anyone noticed this or have suggestions?  Thanks.
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