On 10/18/2010 9:23 AM, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
 Thanks Justin,
Good info for the future. Right now, really busy (job search) so went back to stable ver of Vidalia bundle - for now.

Fair enough. Better one more working node on the network than a broken one you don't have time to play with.

Your suggestions may well have solved probs w/ current alpha ver, but from my exper w/ vidalia / tor for couple yrs, this was a new development crashing (multiple times - same apparent reason). Does suggest alpha ver needs some tweaking (that's why it's "alpha"). If get more time to test, will try your suggestions. Hopefully, others will find the post useful.

I can only speak of my own experience running the alpha on my WinXP machine, which has been flawless so far, but this is the first time I've seen this particular error mentioned, so I'm not convinced it's a problem inherent in the alpha. That said, alpha builds are listed as unstable for a reason, and I don't keep myself updated on all the bug reports, so a grain of salt is warranted. I'm assuming that you downgraded your Tor bundle by using the packaged uninstall utility, which on Windows deletes all settings directories by default. These would have been recreated when you reinstalled the old version, which *could* have corrected some permissions issues. I'm wondering if reinstalling with the alpha version would have yielded the same results.

Or something else entirely about your setup could be giving Tor indigestion. It's really a "poke it until it works" sort of situation (and I encourage a good and thorough poking if/when you get the time).

~Justin Aplin

On 10/16/2010 12:11 AM, Justin Aplin wrote:
The very first thing I would try is simply getting rid of the files and allowing Tor to recreate them. Personally I'd shut down Tor and delete the 'lock' and 'state' files, along with any file or folder starting with 'cached', and then restart Tor. Make sure not to touch the 'keys' folder or the 'fingerprint' file.

If the issue shows up again, the next thing I'd try is double-checking the permissions on the Tor appdata folder, along with *every folder above it down to the root*. I had a similar issue trying to run Tor as a system service where I needed to grant the system service user explicit permissions to every folder leading up to the Tor appdata folder. I haven't played with Vista permissions, though, so YMMV.

Let us know how it turns out, and what fixes it.

~Justin Aplin

On Oct 15, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Joe Btfsplk wrote:

since upgrading to Vidalia couple days ago, Tor has crashed 2x now after running for quite a while each time. Crashes were an hr? or more apart. Seemed to be running fine during those times, up to the crashes. Rarely did I ever have Tor stable versions crash in past (over many vers).

If I report this as bug, what else should I include in report?

Vidala log errors:

Oct 15 12:59:21.741 [Warning] Error replacing "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\tor\state": File exists Oct 15 12:59:21.743 [Warning] Unable to write state to file "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\tor\state"

Note: the user\AppData path is not protected - the acct I was running in Vista at time of Tor crash has full access to the paths \ files mentioned above.
The file:  state.tmp DOES exist in the location mentioned.
I can open / read - state.tmp - (after Tor crash & Tor is shut down). Has no obvious errors msgs in the file.

Is another file: "lock" (w/ 0 bytes) in same folder as state.tmp (after crash & Tor / Vidalia are shut down). Properties of the "lock" file show was created yesterday 10/14, & last mod 10/15. Its file attribs are "AN" - archived, not indexed? Other than that, no real info on it.

Err Rpt from Windows Vista x64 prepared to send to MS:

Problem signature:
 Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
 Application Name:    tor.exe
 Application Version:
 Application Timestamp:    4ca65e57
 Fault Module Name:    tor.exe
 Fault Module Version:
 Fault Module Timestamp:    4ca65e57
 Exception Code:    c0000005
 Exception Offset:    000c3bf9
 OS Version:    6.0.6002.
 Locale ID:    1033
 Additional Information 1:    fd00
 Additional Information 2:    ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160
 Additional Information 3:    fd00
 Additional Information 4:    ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

Any suggestions?

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