On 11/6/2010 1:02 PM, Scott Bennett wrote:
>      I wrote:
>> http://news.antiwar.com/2010/11/05/us-censors-muslim-websites-list-of-british-mps-who-supported-iraq-war/
>>     Using exit "chuckthecanuck" gives a Google (!) error page, saying URL
>> not found.  I'll add that exit to my ExcludeExitNodes list with a comment
>> that the reason is due to DNS hijacking that is probably related to U.S.
>> censorship.
>      I changed my mind.  I'm adding {ca},{uk},{us} to my ExcludeExitNodes
> list with an appropriate comment for later removal in case the U.S. ever
> calls off its War on the Internet. :-(
>                                   Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
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How do we know whether that article is accurate, and if it is, is it a
single event or a result of a change in policy.  How could it have been
implemented anyway?

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