
I was going through the "Coding Projects" site the other day and spotted
that Tor is in need of a simulator for slow connections. I have written
something similar as a part of my M.Sc., so I thought I could contribute by
adapting my code to Tor's needs. First of all, has there been any progress
on the subject (so that I don't double someone's work)?

If I understand correctly, these technical things need to be done:

1) allow to alter parameters of an internet connection on one's computer and
2) allow to measure how these affect the performance of a Tor client (by
performance I mean the time to download/upload data from/to internet)

Is there something that is not mentioned in the description and might need
to be taken into consideration? Btw, my code is partly in Java - is that
acceptable or should I use something else (C++ perhaps)? And finally, will
the code I supply be used by anybody? ;)

Best Regards, 
  Maciej Zbierski

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