> Yes,  and maybe just ignore them. IMHO there's no point in seeing these.

Hm, I'm still a little confused what jails have to do with the tor
SocksPort (this should only concern client tor usage). Maybe Fabian
can clarify the proper handling for BSD use cases.

> Well, I personally do not like anything reading files in a jail in that
> way and can do without this particular feature.

When starting up arm tries to read tor's log file and bandwidth
entries from its state file. If arm doesn't know about the jail then
it won't be able to prepopulate these values either. Besides that arm
should be happy without direct access to tor's files. Is there a
reason reading jailed files directly is discouraged?

John mentioned that for him connection resolution doesn't work in the
new arm tarball (arm_bsdTest2.tar.bz2). Hans, Fabian: can either of
you confirm, and if so what sort of issue is the log indicating?

Also, there was interest mentioned earlier in a BSD port. Anyone
interested in taking up that gauntlet? :P

Cheers! -Damian
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