On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 11:12:37PM +0000, John Case wrote:
>> Let me be even broader: if you want to be safe, you must never use Tor
>> with any browser except Firefox, and you must also use Torbutton. If
>> you don't do both, you can lose from a wide variety of application-level
>> attacks.
> Wait, what about lynx ?  I can't be safe by running lynx inside of a jail 
> with no routable IP ?  (

Sorry, I've been talking to too many ordinary users lately. :)

I don't know of any problems with lynx. I think you'll still want to
think about topics like cookies and whether your http headers make you
recognizable. Take a look through
for more topics to think about. Web browsers like 'wget' should also be
pretty safe in general. But somebody needs to analyze them in more detail.


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