On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 23:49 -0500, "Justin Aplin" <jmap...@ufl.edu> wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2010, at 9:36 AM, Geoff Down wrote:
> >>
> >> All Tor users should upgrade.
> >
> > Thanks Roger.
> > Any progress on the PPC build machine?
> > GD
> If you're comfortable building from source on your PPC machine, I've  
> just been doing that and copying the four executables into Vidalia.app/ 
> Contents/MacOS. So far it's seemed to work fine, and I get to keep the  
> nice Vidalia interface and folder structure (ie, you won't have to  
> dick around moving your torrc or data directories, etc). It's been  
> holding me over so far.
 I'm not, and I don't have the cycles. I was using the Tor-only package
 to preserve my torrc etc too.

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