Without any details it's hard to say.  I can only guess that it's
using a list of fast exit nodes that its verified.  And if that's the
case, it seems basically like the social engineering attack that Nick
Matthewson talked about at Defcon17 where an attacker tricks a user
into using a partition of the Tor network.  But this is all
conjecture.  Maybe you can dump the torrc so we can see what it's

ROC Admin

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:53 AM, Karsten N.
<tor-ad...@privacyfoundation.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> Tor-BlackBelt Privacy wants to seed up Tor with a special configuration:
>   http://sourceforge.net/projects/blackbeltpriv/
> The project says, the original code of tor is used with some
> improvements in configuration to speed up the tor client.
> I have done a small test. It seems, high performance nodes are prefered.
> The project page offers only a binary download.
> What do you think about the project. Is it serious?
> Is the preference of high power nodes useful or does it have a bad
> influence on the load balancing of the tor network like the Cloakfish
> idea two years ago?
> Thanks for your opinion.
> Karsten N.
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