
On Fri, 31 Dec 2010 07:51 -0500, and...@torproject.org wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 08:17:05AM +0100, andr...@fastmail.fm wrote 0.4K
> bytes in 9 lines about:
> : Is there a recommended way for downloading files while using Tor? 
> Isn't
> : there some program called Amnesia or some similar thing?
> There is no recommended way to download files through Tor.  Normally,
> one simply uses firefox in tbb or 'usewithtor' for wget, links, etc.

When I've tried to download, when using Tor, Tor pops up some message
and says something like "this could unmask you....use Amnesia LiveCd" 

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