2010-12-31 17:26, and...@torproject.org skrev:
On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 03:40:33PM +0100, jespa...@minibofh.org wrote 1.0K 
bytes in 20 lines about:
: Yes Anders, I know. I've been involved in web host industry (as a
: sysadmin and Security Officer) the last three years. I know a lot
: about this business. They (web hosting providers) appreciate a lot
: when the costumer offers good attitude and collaboration, as my case
: is.

Do you have advice on how to better approach an ISP from the start? Say,
if I wanted to find a host to run an exit node?

The approach described in the official Tor project documentation is excellent from my humble point of view. As a web-hosting sysadmin I was I only commented that normally they appreciate a lot when the costumer shows good attitude. What "normally attitude" means? That's the key point: it depends on the web-hosting company and their support system/dept.

Andrew, if you want I can send to you (private email) my tickets exchange with my provider support dept. to show you what and how I've said to them.

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