Nils Vogels wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 20:22, Peter McCann
> <> wrote:
>> If not, what do people think about setting up such an index?
>> It seems like it might be very useful for those operators of
>> hidden services that want to expose them to a wider audience
>> than just the people they give the .onion name to.  Being able
>> to browse or search the hidden services might also be useful.
> As long as the hidden services are manually added, i can see where
> it's a good idea. The second some kind of automation starts kicking
> in, scanning for hidden services, I think this is a Bad Idea.

scanning 36^16 possible hidden services is out of discussion... at least for 
me... that's why i stopped cloning google...
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