On 10.01.2011 22:07, Andrew Lewis wrote: > What do they typically ask for, and is it from any place in particular?
they always ask for a relation between an ip address (the one of my exit node) in conjunction with a time stamp, and an individual. Usually I'm asked for user's inventory data "Bestandsdaten" and session data "Verbindungsdaten". In other words they ask: "Which of your users was assigned the ip address at $TIMESTAMP?" - "Please provide us with all of your data related to this individual." I'm not sure what do you mean with particular place. Do you ask if the requests originate from a certain law enforcement agency? They don't. regards Olaf *********************************************************************** To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with unsubscribe or-talk in the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/