
On top of this, it is *illegal* in Germany to keep user identifiable
data unless required for billing purposes.

Telemediengesetz §15 Nutzungsdaten

Let me translate the first paragraph:

§15 Usage Data
(1) The service provider may collect personal data of a user and use
them only to the extent necessary to enable the use and billing of
telemedia. Usage data are particularly
1. Characteristics to identify the user,
2. Information on the beginning and end and the extent of current usage and
3. Details about the used telemedia services.

Moritz Bartl

On 13.01.2011 00:33, Mitar wrote:
> Hi!
>> But I wan't a legally binding statement from a lawyer or an official (BSI) 
>> that running TOR exit nodes
>> in germany is legal.
> In Slovenia there is a law (for Internet commerce) that persons just
> passing data around, not changing it, choosing destination or source,
> filter, etc, are not responsible for the data. This even works for the
> servers. So if you have a server with content you are just storing for
> somebody else you are not responsible for that. But you have a witness
> status if they want to prosecute this somebody and have to cooperate.
> So police will come and talk to you, but not as s suspect but as a
> witness.
> Probably this is an EU law.
> Mitar
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