Am Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011, um 22:44:12 schrieb Moritz Bartl:
> Hi,
> You should probably contact the ISP first to see if they will raise the
> limit. Mine was low on file descriptors and they upped it generously 5
> minutes later (on a cheap $20 vserver).
> Moritz

Thanks for all your suggestions. This morning I contacted the HostEurope 
support. They were very friendly but refused to increase the parameter. They 
told me that the product is designed this way and they cannot change anything. 
They advised me to order a product with a higher number of tcp sockets. But 
even the high-end vserver product for EUR 70 ($90) per month only provides 
1550 tcp connections ( All 
these HostEurope vserver products are crippled regarding numtcpsock.

Bottom line: HostEuropes vserver cannot be recommended for tor relays. I will 
update the wiki accordingly.

I will move to another ISP. In the meantime I will play around with the 
ConstrainedSocksSize parameter to get the most out of the vserver.

Moritz, from which ISP did you get this $20 vserver?



Klaus Layer
Walldorf, Germany
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