On 01/30/2011 01:56 AM, morphium wrote:
> 2011/1/30 Damian Johnson <atag...@gmail.com>:
>> The five relays Mike mentioned have been flagged as BadExits [1].
>> Adding them to your ExcludeExitNodes isn't necessary. -Damian
> That was really dumb, as it puts a lot more load on the Nodes that
> support encryption, and, as was mentioned before, _every_ operator
> could sniff.


An important difference is that some people specifically create exit
policies to attract traffic worth passively sniffing. In any case, it
hardly puts more load on nodes that "support encryption" unless they
also are supporting the unencrypted protocols in the first place.

> I will change my Exit Policy now to something like 80, 6667, 21 and if
> you BadExit it, you'll loose another fast node.

It sounds like there's now a known reason for your exit policy, I doubt
anyone would bad exit you.

All the best,
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