On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 12:20:10 +0000 "Geoff Down" <geoffd...@fastmail.net> wrote: > Thank you Juliusz, I appreciate your efforts. > Clearly Tor needs to ship with a working Polipo, so if this is a real > fault would the bundle developers please revert to the version which > was in the Vidalia 0.2.9 bundle, which is still working.
The difference is that the PPC bundle with vidalia 0.2.9 was built on a 10.3.9 ppc mac. However, the 10.3.9 machine died a smelly, melty death during a build a few months ago. The current bundles are built on a 10.5 ppc mac with backwards compatibility for 10.3.9 (at least according to xcode/gcc). Clearly Apple's backwards compatibility options don't work. -- Andrew pgp 0x74ED336B *********************************************************************** To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with unsubscribe or-talk in the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/