On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:08 PM, mi nt <m...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:
>> These people should not be Tor nodes.
> Mike, I respectfully disagree. Anyone willing to allow traffic should be
> node. The tor project homepage makes no 'rules' when it
> comes to running a node. If you're willing to allow any traffic you're a
> suitable candidate, apparently in the opinion of the creators of that site
> and in mine. The fact is that some people are going to do things they

The website also advises that sniffing exit traffic is potentially a crime.


So I very much think you are mistaking the perspective of the website
operators. Please don't confuse the realistic position of "We can't
prevent this from happening" from the "we approve of this activity".

Can you exactly point out places where the website seems to suggest
that "anything goes" is actually permitted?  Any such text should be
corrected, because it's not correct. It isn't permitted to do these
things, to the extent that the tor developers and community can stop
these activities they will (but the extent is very limited).

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:10 PM, mi nt <m...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:
> Furthermore I would like to add that if I ran an exit I *might* just not
> put contact info on it. I don't see the issue unless it's rejecting
> traffic and I'm screwing up the network. Even if it was I'd figure it out
> eventually. I wouldn't want you weirdos emailing me anyway ;)

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