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Hi all, Hi Joseph,

On 09.02.2011 01:03, Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote:
> At what point can torservers be confident it can support $800/month?

It's a very tough decision to make. Our current funds ($2400) mean we
would survive 3 months. Three months of beating the drum, incorporation,
proper announcement and press release, finally translating the website,
plus some nice ticking clocks and bars on the website and Kickstarter

State of affairs:

100tb doesn't respond
2host doesn't respond
evoboxes isn't quite sure yet; cannot SWIP yet
Most don't like us
Other are too expensive: Professional offers start at ~500 Euro per 200
Mbps at the cheapest (with 100 of that already donated)

FDC has a new datacenter in CZ, $300 for "unmetered Gbit"; not sure they
would accept us, waiting on a reply. Mike Perry left and told me to
better stay away, but he was at a US datacenter.

And we don't even know if we can push the server to Gbit anyway. There
seem to be some bottlenecks still hidden inside the code. Amunet is at
not more than 800 Mbps most of the time.

We can:

* go with Swiftway in a strategic moment and hope for the best (in terms
of bandwidth and publicity)
* run the first Icelandic exit for 12€/Mbps
* go with a reliable 200 mbps in Germany for ~500 Euro/mnth
* try FDC
* look/wait for better offers

I think we should make a decision before, or, at the latest, at the
foundation meeting. I haven't heard back from the tax authorities yet, I
expect it to take no longer than one more week. I'm leaving Dresden for
two weeks on 22nd, so Feb 19th would be the last possible ad hoc
founding date or we'll have to postpone until mid March.

If you want to discuss any of this, join us at irc.oftc.net #torservers,
or contact me personally on XMPP mor...@torservers.net.

- -- 
Moritz Bartl

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