On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Mike Perry <mikepe...@fscked.org> wrote:

> It sounds like you're describing a problem that only you have. Usually
> when this happens, it is because of a Firefox addon conflict. You can
> try a couple of things:
> 1. Use Tor Browser Bundle:
> https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en
> It is a preconfigured Tor Browser that should work right out of the
> box without conflicts.

I use torbrowser, I tried with the default addons only and it still did the
same thing.

> If it *still* has the problem, then next place
> to look is your Antivirus software. If not, you can either keep using
> it, or try to diagnose your addon conflict by trying the following:
I do not have antivirus

> 2. Start firefox with a fresh profile
> If you run firefox as "firefox -P", you can create a blank profile,
> install torbutton in it, and verify it is OK. Then, gradually add in
> all the Firefox addons you have until you notice the problem again.
> 3. Post your list of addons to this mailinglist or to that bug for
> someone else to try to reproduce the issue.

Just the default ones:

Https everywhere
Tor button

> > > and does it work if you use "Save As" instead?
> >
> > cant save as with attachments...
> >
> >  And what about this (and also the link provided by Roger:
> > https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/report/14???
> This link works for me using Tor + Torbutton.

Yes.. but i am referring to torbrowser for OSX

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