real brief, real quick.  this is just to get an example of how to get a system up and running, it doesn't take into consideration security, role, licensing, etc. 
general considerations:
computing and processing power.  oracle minimum/general requirements a Pentium 300, 3G of hard drive space and +256M RAM; of course they list various levels of processors, storage, and memory dependant upon your requirements and needs.  Many components are available but there are licensing considerations as well as usage considerations.  Oracle is very complex, i can't stress that enough.  sizing, tuning, management, and associated tasks/components will need a lot of consideration.
To setup 8.1.7 personal edition:
launch the setup.exe which will load the universal installer, a nifty interface for adding, removing oracle components.  based on needs and resources you'll choose the type of installation reading applicable prompts and using help where required.  once it's complete you'll want to modify some of the built-in/internal system credentials and users; the ones that jump out at me are: system, sysman, sys, internal.  you'll want to change these from the default as well as adding applicable roles and authorities such as: connect, dba, sysdba, *_administrator, etc.  make consideration for authentication/security, an oracle maintained password, externally auth'ed by O/S, globally via directory service.  in general lock it down appropriately for your environment and it's role.
important tools/utilities
oracle enterprise manager: management interface, jobs, alerts, servers and resources
dba studio: management of databases, tables, security, storage
net8: configuration and management of naming and client connections
now it's pretty much ready for use, db design and development are another story.

Lerone Streeter
System Analyst
Abbott LBG

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