Title: Recovery Manager vs. SQL Back Track

Hi everyone -

Currently we are doing backups manually, periodic cold backups, and hot backups in between - we are running in archivelog mode.  We are running 8.1.5 and 8.1.6 (soon to be 8.1.7) on Sun Solaris.  Today there are only a few small production servers (2 - 5 GB), but we are anticipating a couple large ones (~200GB), and a data warehouse (anticipated to be around 500GB).

We have started playing around with Recovery Manager.  Our Sybase DBAs are telling us we should look at SQL BackTrack instead.

For those of you who are using either one, I'd appreciate your comments on how well you like / don't like it and any "gotcha's" that you have run into.  Other than the cost factor, what would you recommend?

Thanks very much -

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