Title: RE: V$session

It's in v$process.  Here's a script that displays it that I got off this list a while ago

set linesize 2000
column logon_time format a17
column username format a16
column unix_pid format a8
column machine format a20
column client_Program format a20
set pagesize 200
        to_char(p.spid) unix_pid,
        to_char(logon_time, 'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') logon_time,
        -- idle time
        -- days added to hours
        --( trunc(LAST_CALL_ET/86400) * 24 ) || ':'  ||
        -- days separately
        substr('0'||trunc(LAST_CALL_ET/86400),-2,2)  || ':'  ||
        -- hours
        substr('0'||trunc(mod(LAST_CALL_ET,86400)/3600),-2,2) || ':' ||
        -- minutes
        substr('0'||trunc(mod(mod(LAST_CALL_ET,86400),3600)/60),-2,2) || ':' ||
        substr('0'||mod(mod(mod(LAST_CALL_ET,86400),3600),60),-2,2)  idle_time,
        substr(s.program,1,20) client_program,
        s.process client_process,
        substr(p.program,1,20) server_program
from v$session s, v$process p
where s.username is not null
        and p.addr = s.paddr
order by username, 2

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-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 12:01 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: V$session

Which column in v$session indicate os process?
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Author: Seema Singh

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