---original message follows---
D a t e : Fri, 11 Jul 1997 14:41:53 +0100
R e p l y - T o : "ORACLE database mailing list." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
F r o m : "Jones, David (Oxford)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
S u b j e c t : Can i write a query for this.................

This utility gives top/bottom values for a specified column in a
specified table. If you need other columns you will need to adapt it a
little. I would not recommend it on large tables if the column is not
indexed. Whether indexed or not, you can almost certainly do it more
simply in PL/SQL (Define a cursor with order by, loop through n


rem ...............................................................
rem ..... Program Name: GIVEME.SQL
rem ..... Written by:   David Jones - January 1995
rem ..... Purpose:      Returns either:
rem .....               - The top 'n' values for a column
rem .....               - The bottom 'n' values for a column
rem .....               - The 'nth' value for a column
rem .....               - the 'nth lowest' value in a column
rem .....               If the nth (or nth lowest) value is 'x',
rem .....               all the records with a value of 'x' will be rem
.....               returned.
rem ..... Called by:    Any user
rem ..... Calls:        nothing
rem ..... Tables:       as specified in input variable 4
rem ..... Syntax:       The following are all valid:
rem .....                 GIVEME 6 top    column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 6 bottom column_name table_name
rem .....
rem .....                 GIVEME 1 st     column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 2 nd     column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 3 rd     column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 4 th     column_name table_name
rem .....                        etc......
rem .....                 GIVEME 1 stlast column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 2 ndlast column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 3 rdlast column_name table_name
rem .....                 GIVEME 4 thlast column_name table_name
rem .....                        etc......
rem .....            (can abbreviate bottom to bot, stlast to stl,
rem .....                 ndlast to ndl etc.)
rem ................................................................

set pages 96
set lines 110
set hea off
set verify off
set termout off

col head     new_v head
col topbot   new_v topbot
col allorone new_v allorone
col maxormin new_v maxormin
col bracket  new_v bracket

select decode(upper(substr(ltrim(rtrim('&2')),3,1)),
              'P', '>',
              '',  '>',
              'T', '<',
              'L', '<',
                   '>') topbot,
              'P', '',
              'T', '',
              'L', 'max(',
              '',  'min(',
                   '' ) maxormin,
              'P', '',
              'T', '',
              'L', ')',
              '',  ')',
                   '' ) bracket
from sys.dual

select 'The '||'&1'||' '||'&2'||' value'||
       decode(upper(substr( '&2' ,2,1)), 'O', 's', '')||
       ' for '||upper( '&3' )||' in '||upper( '&4' ) head
from dual

spool giveme
prompt &head

select &maxormin a.&3 &bracket
from &4 a
where exists
    (select 'How many are bigger/smaller than me?'
     from &4 b
     where b.&3 &topbot a.&3
     having count(*) < &1 )
order by 1 desc

spool off
set verify on
set termout on
set hea on
undef head
undef topbot
undef allorone
undef maxormin
undef bracket
clear columns
- Regards
  David Jones
  Oracle DBA, Systems Dept,         Tel     : (01865) 742742     Ext:
  ACNielsen,   Oxford.  OX3 9RX     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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