Title: RE: Listener problems

> -----Original Message-----
> From: zabair ahmed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Has anybody come across the following error message in the
> listener.log, and
> know what the resolution is.
> TNS-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process
> TNS-12540: TNS:internal limit restriction exceeded
> TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
> TNS-00510: Internal limit restriction exceeded
> Solaris Error: 12: Not enough space
> What is this Solaris Error 12?
> I have nothing set in the listener.ora or sqlnet.ora (in fact
> this dosn't
> even exist) files.
> 8.1.7 on Solaris 5.6

I posted this question to the list about a week ago. If you go to the archives at http://www.fatcity.com , enter the beta site, search ORACLE-L for messages in 2001 with "Sun Solaris 8 - Listener" in the subject line, you will find the messages related to the subject.

Here's a summary of the discussion from last week. Following that are some suggestions I found on Metalink.

----------- From ORACLE-L -------------
I had the following suggestions:
- purge listener.log (Shahid Nasir)
- check max number of processes vs. max number of processes per user (John Kanagaraj)
- swap space being filled (Hagedorn, Linda)
- Use the "truss" command to trace the system calls when you get the ORA-12500. Example: truss -f -o error.log sqlplus (Narender Akula)

- increasing number of semaphores (eric harrington)

Narender Akula had also asked if we have Oracle 32-bit and Oracle 64-bit versions both running on the same server. Yes we do.

I tried all of the above except using truss. I will experiment with that later. What I did for now to fix the problem: I made the SGA smaller on several of the test databases and the problem went away (it looks like some of the init files were copied over from a production system with no changes. No, I didn't do it, so don't start throwing tomatoes at me.) I'm still not sure why this fixed the problem since ipcs -pmb showed a total of approx. 800MB being used and the machine has 4GB of physical memory.


------------ From Metalink -------------
Intermittent TNS-12500 errors are caused by a lack of  resources on the
server. Finding which resource is  depleted may be difficult.

1. The TNS-12500 can be a result of the 'processes'  parameter in the
init.ora file being too low.

2. If the init.ora 'processes' parameter seems ok then you may need to
increase the Unix kernel parameters for the maximum number of processes or
users (for example, nproc or maxuprc). Check the manuals for the Unix
operating system for more information on these parameters.

3. Check that you have adequate swap space.

4. Disable OTRACE. OTRACE is a tracing feature that can cause many problems.
OTRACE is enabled by default. To disable OTRACE:

a. Stop the Oracle database.
b. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin directory.
c. Delete all files with a '.dat' extension.
d. Restart the Oracle database.

5. Use the Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) option.

Jacques R. Kilchoër

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