Title: RE: Tablespace Allocation Type & Extent Management

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Walter K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I seem to be confused about the relationship between
> tablespace management and allocation methods.
> What is the USER allocation_type (as reported by
> DBA_TABLESPACES)? I thought this corresponded only to
> dictionary-managed tablespaces--I see it associated
> with locally-managed tablespaces as well.
> Also, I thought that PCTINCREASE was only applicable
> to dictionary-managed tablespaces. Again, I am seeing
> a PCT_INCREASE=50 for some locally-managed tablespaces
> in one of my databases. How is this possible?
> Based on everything I have read (docs & metalink)
> about LMTs vs. Dictionary, I am perplexed by the
> results of the following query I ran:
>   1  select extent_management, allocation_type,
> pct_increase, count(*)
>   2  from dba_tablespaces
>   3  group by extent_management, allocation_type,
> pct_increase;
> ---------- --------- ------------ ----------
> DICTIONARY USER                 0          4
> DICTIONARY USER                50          3
> LOCAL      SYSTEM                          1
> LOCAL      UNIFORM              0          1
> LOCAL      USER                50        283  <---
> ????

How did you create that tablespace? I have a test database (Oracle 8.1.6 on Windows 2000) where I have tried to create a tablespace of every possible kind, and I don't have a tablespace with EXTENT_MANAGEMENT = 'LOCAL' and ALLOCATION_TYPE = 'USER'. What's your secret?

Jacques R. Kilchoer
(949) 754-8816
Quest Software, Inc.
8001 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, California 92618

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