Hello Lisa...
I have been handling Oracle on NT last 6 months - and I much prefer UNIX. Here are 
some things I learnt the hard way...

>>  -  can you run multiple instances of Oracle on one NT machine

yes u can. Another lister has replied to u about this - how one uses "oradim80" to 
create "instances"/SID's
Note that the default SID can be set in the registry - so that u dont have to do "set 
ORACLE_SID=XXXX" everytime
Note that there is no "oraenv" in NT
For every SID there will be 2 services in NT - one called OracleServiceURSID and 
another OracleStartURSID. If u keep the latter as "start automatically" - ur db will 
come up auto when NT boots up. The former is always required. U can alter the settings 
by recreating the instance using oradim

>>  -  if so, what do I need to look out for (ie. what things are differentthat a Unix 
>>  -  are any of the processes, etc. drastically different - ie. security,networking, 

Dont foreget to create the oradba group.  Also Oracle runs as a single process - there 
are no different shadow processes. So everything is clumped in one. The TaskManager 
might show u how many threads are running in one process (it does not break up for 
each app on the machine - so if only the Oracle server is running - the figure u see 
should correspond to the number of Oracle related processes)
Further note that Oracle runs as user "system" - thats an internal hidden system mode 
in NT. So there might be occassions when u change permissions on some orcale related 
directory and then find that oracle cant access the files - thats cause u removed 
"systems" access. Just give required permission to "system" on those files/directory

>>  -  what type of system requirements (ie. memory, CPU) are needed on NT

Well that depends on ur requirements. Try to configure ur NT box so that its 
"dedicated" to the job of being a database server. U can find some notes on metalink 
on this. Ensure that ur NT box does not double as a PDC (primary domain controller).

Finally reboot machine as often as u can - I have found memory being allocated and not 
being released. Keep LOTS of memory - I have seen the NT box freezing and refusing 
connections when it no longer had memory to create a shadown process. (only soln - 
crash boot the machine)
Further dont use "copy" command to do ur hotbackups - use the "ocopy" command instead.
Thats all I can think of now..
(PS: I had enough of NT - migrating to Solaris in a months time)


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