
In the following select statement I have a function "GetSid" that slows the
update for hours even if the Link_keszit updatable table consists of a few rows.

 Update  UpdateTable
--Varosokat updatel
   Set UpdateTable_Column1=
        Select distinct  'Some string here'||GetSid||UpdateTable_Column2||Logo.Logo_Filenev
         From VarosTorzs,Logo, Link_keszit
          logo_varos_unique_az  = link_keszit_varos_az
          and logo.logo_azonosito1=
'KKEPX' and logo.logo_azonosito2= '20200'
          and logo_varos_unique_az  = varos_unique_azonosito
     Where UpdateTable_Column2 Is Not Null ;

The GetSid function is:

CREATE OR REPLACE Function GetSid Return VarChar2 AS
 END GetSid;

So the problem is that _with_ GetSid function it takes many hours instead of a few minutes.

Thank you in advance

Zsolt Csillag,

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