
Oracle used to ship A SQL Language Quick reference with the paper doc's in
Oracle 7 days.
This had 72 pages (than) and also contained a one liner about the dba, v$
views. Furthermore it had the syntax for sql statements and function
They no longer make these but my copy is well used and slowly falling apart
(not no mention out of date).


                    Gennick              To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L 
                    <jonathan@genn       cc:     (bcc: Jack van 
                    ick.com>             Subject:     Re: Pocket Guide                 
                    Sent by:                                                           
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                     
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to ORACLE-L                                                        

I'd like to follow up on this, because I wrote the SQL*Plus Pocket
Ref, and I'm planning to revise it soon. One of the things I want to
do when I revise the book is to add material about the more commonly
used SQL statements, because, frankly, I'm convinced that's what
readers really want.

One issue I quickly encounter whenever I think of a SQL Pocket
Ref is that the syntax for the many, often complex, SQL statements
just won't fit into a less than 100 page pocket ref format. My current
thinking is to revise my pocket reference to de-emphasize SQL*Plus
commands in favor of adding coverage of developer-oriented SQL
statements such as the following:


I'm really interested in some feedback on this. Is this a logical
subset of SQL statements to include in such a book? Is my
documentation of SQL*Plus commands (describe, copy, the various set
commands) all that useful? What other commands should I add to the list?
Regardless of the page-count issue, do you still want all the SQL
commands in one small book?

Best regards,

Jonathan Gennick
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * 906.387.1698
http://Gennick.com * http://MichiganWaterfalls.com * http://MetalDrums.org

Wednesday, June 27, 2001, 6:50:09 PM, you wrote:
jb> Has anyone run across a "Pocket Guide" for SQL.  I don't need one for
jb> SQL*Plus or PL/SQL.  Just sometimes I cannot remember complete syntax
jb> for some commands and a quick guide really helps.  Sucks getting old.

jb> I don't see one from O'Reilly which normally handles a series like

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