9i has come up with cursor_sharing = similar,
which was missing till 8i. We had FORCE and EXACT.  FORCE was not what most of the DBA's were willing to use. and hence used EXACT.  But similar will do most of the job (Assumed) that we were looking with CURSOR_SHARING.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 08:50 AM
Subject: OT: RE: CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE ques. - OCP Certification

Why is it that people seem to have the need to apologize after admitting that they are OCP certified (or are working toward the goal etc).  I know that there are a lot of differing opinions regarding OCP and what it may or may not tell you about a particular individual, but, if your company is willing to pay for you to pursue this then it is always (IMO) a good idea!  After all, it hopefully will provide you with some incentive to pick up some manuals and perhaps mess with a test database and learn some new stuff.  Just how could this be a bad thing?????
PS.  I would rather be caught with an OCP certification than be caught driving a tan minivan any day!
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 6:33 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


Well the boss is now getting on my back for me to upgrade my OCP to 8i.  I know, I know, I wasn't going to, please don't flame me, but work is insisting that I do.  So now I'm studying the upgrade book and it's sparked up a couple of questions regarding cursor_sharing = force.

1) I've heard a bunch of negative things (like bugs) regarding using this feature, was this just with 8.1.6 or is it still buggy?

2) Anyone out there using it?  Does it give that much better performance gains?  It seems to me like it's not worth implementing.

3)Can the guys playing with 9i out there verify if this is buggy in 9i?

Thanks to all.
Ivan Rivera

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