Title: Database Links standards

We came up with the below standards with respect to  database links (heavily
used in our environment).   The result has been a billion complaints by
our developers, stating that the standards are unnecessarily complex.  I'm
curious as to what others might think, if they *are* indeed too complex.
Also what kind of naming/adminstrative standards that other shops employ.

1. To access remote data across a DB LINK, the
   standard implementation consists of four pieces:

a) A private database link owned by the schema owner of the table
   objects being accessed.  The CONNECT TO and IDENTIFIED BY clauses are
   - Naming Standard:  {remote schema}_{database name}

b) A standard PUBLIC SYNONYM created for the remote table being
   accessed across the link.
   - Naming Standard: {remote schema}_{remote table}.  The purpose of this
     synonym is both to allow portability and also to provide documentation
     of the remote connection.

c) A VIEW created as a SELECT * from the PUBLIC SYNONYM above (1.b).   
   - Naming Standard: {remote table}_VW

d) A PUBLIC SYNONYM on the VIEW above(1.c.)
   - Naming Standard: {remote table}

Jeff T

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