Title: RE: A quick pl/sql datatypes question

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Lewis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> If you declare a variable to be of
>     table_name.column_name%type
> there are implicit constraints on the
> variable and any pl/sql assignments
> (in particular arithmetic operations)
> have to check that the result matches
> those constraints. At one time I believe
> this meant using a temporary variable
> to hold a result, then copying the result
> if the constraint was matched.

Could anyone explain this statement more fully? Why would there be "implicit constraints" when using table_name.column_name%rowtype vs. datatype? A simple test below showed no time difference.

SQL> create table t (d date not null primary key, n number) ;
Table created.

SQL> set timing on
SQL> -- using "datatype" declaration
SQL> declare
  2     i pls_integer ;
  3     dd date ;
  4  begin
  5     for i in 1..100000
  6     loop
  7        dd := sysdate ;
  8     end loop ;
  9  end ;
 10  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:09.54

SQL> -- using "table.column%type" declaration
SQL> declare
  2     i pls_integer ;
  3     dd t.d%type ;
  4  begin
  5     for i in 1..100000
  6     loop
  7        dd := sysdate ;
  8     end loop ;
  9  end ;
 10  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:09.34

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