Mohammad and Jay....many thanks for the responses.

Upon running your script Mohammad, I noticed that archive files were being
written to the archive directory during a large insert operation and
stopped  being written once the insert had completed.  The insert command
uses APPEND, the associated table is indexed but created with nologging.
It is however partitioned.  I'm still confused as to why logging continues
to occur.....could it be that the extents allocated during the insert
operation are logged?

The same procedure creates a number of worktables to assist with join
queries (not temp tables rather permanent tables) which are subsequently
dropped after the query has completed (no indexes - hash joins only).
There are no deletes or updates.

Any more clues??

Here's a copy of the table structure:

(See attached file: table.txt)

Here's a copy of the insert statement summarized from the procedure:

(See attached file: insert.txt)

Many thanks



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