Hi, I have a procedure containing pl/sql tables and i am getting error: PLS-00418: array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type ORA-06550: line 1, column 340: PLS-00418: array bind type must match PL/SQL table row type ORA-06550: line 1, column 9: PL/SQL: Statement ignored I am not able to find any mismatch between varaibles and table columns: what can be possible reasons for this error: Thanks -Harvinder procedure is declared as: CREATE OR REPLACE package GetPCViewHierarchy_pkg as TYPE temp_name is TABLE of t_base_props.n_display_name%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_parent is TABLE of t_pi_template.id_template_parent%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_tx_desc is TABLE of t_description.tx_desc%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_nm_enum_data is TABLE of t_enum_data.nm_enum_data%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_id_enum_data is TABLE of t_enum_data.id_enum_data%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_pv_parentid is TABLE of t_base_props.N_DISPLAY_NAME%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_aggrate is TABLE of varchar2(1) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_viewid is TABLE of t_acc_usage.id_view%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_realpvid is TABLE of t_acc_usage.id_view%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_viewname is TABLE of t_base_props.NM_DISPLAY_NAME%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_viewtype is TABLE of varchar2(8) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_descriptionid is TABLE of t_acc_usage.ID_VIEW%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_amount is TABLE of t_acc_usage.AMOUNT%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_count is TABLE of integer INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_currency is TABLE of t_acc_usage.AM_CURRENCY%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_taxamount is TABLE of t_acc_usage.TAX_FEDERAL%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE temp_amountwithtax is TABLE of t_acc_usage.tax_federal%type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; procedure GetPCViewHierarchy(temp_id_acc int,temp_id_interval int,temp_id_lang_code int, name_temp out temp_name,parent_temp out temp_parent,tx_desc_temp out temp_tx_desc , nm_enum_data_temp out temp_nm_enum_data,id_enum_data_temp out temp_id_enum_data, pv_parentid_temp out temp_pv_parentid, aggrate_temp out temp_aggrate ,viewid_temp out temp_viewid, realpvid_temp out temp_realpvid, viewname_temp out temp_viewname,viewtype_temp out temp_viewtype, descriptionid_temp out temp_descriptionid, amount_temp out temp_amount, count_temp out temp_count, currency_temp out temp_currency, taxamount_temp out temp_taxamount ,amountwithtax_temp out temp_amountwithtax); end; / CREATE OR REPLACE package body GetPCViewHierarchy_pkg as procedure GetPCViewHierarchy(temp_id_acc int,temp_id_interval int,temp_id_lang_code int, name_temp out temp_name,parent_temp out temp_parent,tx_desc_temp out temp_tx_desc , nm_enum_data_temp out temp_nm_enum_data,id_enum_data_temp out temp_id_enum_data, pv_parentid_temp out temp_pv_parentid, aggrate_temp out temp_aggrate ,viewid_temp out temp_viewid, realpvid_temp out temp_realpvid, viewname_temp out temp_viewname,viewtype_temp out temp_viewtype, descriptionid_temp out temp_descriptionid, amount_temp out temp_amount, count_temp out temp_count, currency_temp out temp_currency, taxamount_temp out temp_taxamount ,amountwithtax_temp out temp_amountwithtax) is cursor c1 is select tb_po.n_display_name id_po,-- use the display name as the product offering ID pi_template.id_template_parent id_template_parent, decode(t_description.tx_desc,NULL,template_desc.tx_desc,t_description.tx_des c) as po_nm_name, ed.nm_enum_data pv_child, ed.id_enum_data pv_childID, decode(parent_kind.nm_productview,NULL,tb_po.n_display_name,tenum_parent.id_ enum_data) as pv_parentID, decode(pi_props.n_kind,15,'Y','N') as AggRate, decode(au.id_pi_instance,NULL,id_view,-au.id_pi_instance) as viewID, id_view realPVID, decode(tb_instance.nm_display_name,NULL,tb_template.nm_display_name,tb_insta nce.nm_display_name) as ViewName, 'Product' ViewType, decode(t_description.tx_desc,NULL,template_props.n_display_name,id_view) as DescriptionID, sum(au.amount) "Amount", count(au.id_sess) "Count", au.am_currency "Currency", sum((nvl((au.tax_federal), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_state), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_county), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_local), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_other), 0.0))) TaxAmount, sum(au.amount + (nvl((au.tax_federal), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_state), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_county), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_local), 0.0) + nvl((au.tax_other), 0.0))) AmountWithTax from t_usage_interval,t_acc_usage au,t_base_props tb_template,t_pi_template pi_template,t_pi child_kind, t_base_props pi_props,t_enum_data ed,t_base_props template_props,t_description template_desc, t_pi_template parent_template,t_pi parent_kind,t_enum_data tenum_parent,t_base_props tb_po, t_base_props tb_instance,t_description where au.id_acc = temp_id_acc AND au.id_usage_interval = temp_id_interval AND au.id_pi_template is not NULL and tb_template.id_prop = au.id_pi_template and pi_template.id_template = au.id_pi_template and child_kind.id_pi = pi_template.id_pi and pi_props.id_prop = child_kind.id_pi and ed.id_enum_data = au.id_view and pi_template.id_template = template_props.id_prop and template_props.n_display_name = template_desc.id_desc AND template_desc.id_lang_code = temp_id_lang_code and parent_template.id_template = pi_template.id_template_parent(+) and parent_kind.id_pi = parent_template.id_pi(+) and tenum_parent.nm_enum_data = parent_kind.nm_productview(+) and tb_po.id_prop = au.id_prod(+) and tb_instance.id_prop = au.id_pi_instance and t_description.id_desc = tb_po.n_display_name(+) and t_description.id_lang_code = temp_id_lang_code and t_usage_interval.id_interval = temp_id_interval GROUP BY --t_pl_map.id_po,t_pl_map.id_pi_instance_parent, tb_po.n_display_name,tb_instance.n_display_name, t_description.tx_desc,template_desc.tx_desc, tb_instance.nm_display_name,tb_template.nm_display_name, tb_instance.nm_display_name, -- this shouldn't need to be here!! child_kind.nm_productview, parent_kind.nm_productview,tenum_parent.id_enum_data, pi_props.n_kind, id_view,ed.nm_enum_data,ed.id_enum_data, au.am_currency, tb_template.nm_name, pi_template.id_template_parent, au.id_pi_instance, template_props.n_display_name ORDER BY tb_po.n_display_name ASC, pi_template.id_template_parent ASC; temp_1 t_base_props.n_display_name%type; temp_2 t_pi_template.id_template_parent%type; temp_3 t_description.tx_desc%type; temp_4 t_enum_data.nm_enum_data%type; temp_5 t_enum_data.id_enum_data%type; temp_6 t_base_props.N_DISPLAY_NAME%type; temp_7 varchar2(1); temp_8 t_acc_usage.id_view%type; temp_9 t_acc_usage.id_view%type; temp_10 t_base_props.NM_DISPLAY_NAME%type; temp_11 varchar2(8); temp_12 t_acc_usage.ID_VIEW%type; temp_13 t_acc_usage.AMOUNT%type; temp_14 integer; temp_15 t_acc_usage.AM_CURRENCY%type; temp_16 t_acc_usage.tax_federal%type; temp_17 t_acc_usage.tax_federal%type; i number := 1; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into temp_1,temp_2,temp_3,temp_4,temp_5,temp_6,temp_7,temp_8,temp_9, temp_10,temp_11,temp_12,temp_13,temp_14,temp_15,temp_16,temp_17; exit when c1%notfound; name_temp(i) := temp_1; parent_temp(i) := temp_2; tx_desc_temp(i) := temp_3; nm_enum_data_temp(i) := temp_4; id_enum_data_temp(i) := temp_5; pv_parentid_temp(i) := temp_6; aggrate_temp(i) := temp_7; viewid_temp(i) := temp_8; realpvid_temp(i) := temp_9; viewname_temp(i) := temp_10; viewtype_temp(i) := temp_11; descriptionid_temp(i) := temp_12; amount_temp(i) := temp_13; count_temp(i) := temp_14; currency_temp(i) := temp_15; taxamount_temp(i) := temp_16; amountwithtax_temp(i):= temp_17; i := i+1; end loop; close c1; exception when others then null; end; end; / -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.com -- Author: Harvinder Singh INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). 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