Title: RE: rollback segments during export

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jared Still [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Just because there is a PK/FK between tables, it does not
> mean they will be
> > exported in the same transaction.  And thus, possibly out of sync.
> I didn't say there was. My implication was that your
> tables would get out of sync.  Setting 'consistent=y'
> won't prevent that:
> : If you specify CONSISTENT=N (the default), each table is
> usually exported
> : in a single transaction. However, if a table contains
> nested tables, th
> Now it *could* be that I'm misreading the docs.  It' been known
> to happen, but that sentence says to me that each table is
> exported as part of a single transaction. 

I am totally confused. Mr. Still, it seems to me that you are quoting a section of document that describes the behaviour of <<consistent = "N">> and claiming that the description applies to <<consistent = "Y">>? I was told by an Oracle employee that <<consistent = "Y">> would guarantee that all data would be "consistent" from the time of the start of the export, and I have successfully used that option to carry data from one database to another without constraint errors.

The 8.1.7 Utilities manual says
Specifies whether or not Export uses the SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement to ensure that the data seen by Export is consistent to a single point in time and does not change during the execution of the export command. You should specify CONSISTENT=Y when you anticipate that other applications will be updating the target data after an export has started.>>

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