Title: Cursor Variable question

Hello all,

Gave myself a project to split up some of the code I wrote.  I want to change one of my utility procedures to return a ref cursor to the calling program.

Right now it uses pl/sql tables.  Ref cursors and index-by tables do not play together, so I'm replacing the pl/sql tables with a declared record object. 

With an index-by table I can buzz through it as many times as I want, restart at record 1, no problem.  However, it looks like I can't do that with ref cursors.  You open the cursor 'FOR' the query and return the refcursor, limiting loops by 'EXIT WHEN refcur%NOTFOUND'.  Call me a bonehead but I can't figure out how to blow through a refcursor over and over without reopening the refcursor and causing another hit to the database (which is what I'm trying to avoid, the data I need is already in memory).  Is it possible to 'rewind' a refcursor without closing it and reopening it?

Please enlighten me if I've got this wrong.

Thank you

Lisa Koivu
Oracle Database Monkey Mama
Fairfield Resorts, Inc.

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