The Oracle pricing for named:concurrent user was a factor of 2:1, I 
     remember distinctly since we converted a number of named users to 
     concurrent when we signed a contract for our network license agreement 
     a few years ago.  I thought that ratio was low, since you get a lot 
     more value from the concurrent license in terms of supporting users.

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Author:  Djordje Jankovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at ~ctl-internet-po
Date:    11/19/01 12:01 PM

Anybody happen to know what was the ratio between a concurrent license and 
named user license price, when oracle used to have those licensing models 
(before switching to famous UPU).  I would like to see how fair is 
conversion factor of 2 that oracle now uses from concurrent -> named license 
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class=992355919-19112001>Anybody happen to know what was the ratio between a 
concurrent license and named user license price, when oracle used to have those 
licensing models (before switching to famous UPU).&nbsp; I would like to see how

fair is conversion factor of 2 that oracle now uses from concurrent -&gt; named 
license conversion.</SPAN></FONT></DIV>
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