I am brain dead and can't figure this one out probably something really basic.
8.1.6 database I have a delete trigger when I delete a row from user #1 address table and I want to insert a corresponding row into an archive address table that belongs to user #2. If there is any error inserting into the archive address table, I want to insert some information to an exception table owned by user #2 Insert priviledges have been granted to the 1st user on all the archive tables and the exception table by user #2. The procedure that the trigger calls is valid. The procedure is owned by user1. The initial delete from user 1 works fine and populates the archive log table. I reinserted the original row and tried to delete it again to get the exception to write to the exception table. I get: SQL> delete from address where addr_id = 3; delete from address where addr_id = 3 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows ORA-06512: at "USER1.D_ARCH_ADDRESS", line 57 ORA-00001: unique constraint (USER2.PK_ARCH_ADDRESS) violated ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'PKMSPROD.D_ARCH_ADDRESS' There is only 1 row to delete from the address table. I inserted it and checked it myself I excepted the constraint to be violated for the archive address table I don't get an entry into my exception table TRIGGER CODE: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER D_ARCH_ADDRESS BEFORE DELETE ON ADDRESS FOR EACH ROW DECLARE v_err_msg VARCHAR2(255) := NULL; v_err_code VARCHAR2(20) := NULL; v_process VARCHAR2(9) := NULL; V_ARCH_CREATED_BY VARCHAR2(30) := NULL; BEGIN select user into v_arch_created_by from dual; INSERT INTO USER2.ARCH_ADDRESS ( WHSE , ADDR_ID , ADDR_TYPE , ADDR_KEY_1 , ADDR_KEY_2 , ADDR_LINE_1 , ADDR_LINE_2 , ADDR_LINE_3 , CITY , STATE , ZIP , CNTRY , CONTACT , PHONE , FAX , EMAIL , CREATE_DATE_TIME , MOD_DATE_TIME , USER_ID , ARCH_CREATE_DATE_TIME , ARCH_CREATED_BY ) VALUES ( 'IY' , :old.ADDR_ID , :old.ADDR_TYPE , :old.ADDR_KEY_1 , :old.ADDR_KEY_2 , :old.ADDR_LINE_1 , :old.ADDR_LINE_2 , :old.ADDR_LINE_3 , :old.CITY , :old.STATE , :old.ZIP , :old.CNTRY , :old.CONTACT , :old.PHONE , :old.FAX , :old.EMAIL , :old.CREATE_DATE_TIME , :old.MOD_DATE_TIME , :old.USER_ID , sysdate, v_arch_created_by ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN select process into v_process from v$session; v_err_code:=sqlcode; v_err_msg :=sqlerrm; trig_error_proc('IY',v_process,v_err_code,v_err_msg,sysdate,v_arch_created_ by); END; / PROCEDURE --- CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TRIG_ERROR_PROC (in_whse varchar2, in_process varchar2, in_err_code varchar2, in_err_msg varchar2, in_create_date_time date, in_created_by varchar2) is PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN INSERT INTO USER2.TRIGGER_EXCEPTIONS ( WHSE, PROCESS, ERROR_CODE, ERROR_MSG, CREATE_DATE_TIME, CREATED_BY ) VALUES ( in_whse, in_process, in_err_code, in_err_msg, in_create_date_time, in_created_by ); commit; END; / sho err Confidential This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of Belkin Components and/or its affiliates, are confidential, and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom this e-mail is addressed. If you are not one of the named recipients or otherwise have reason to believe that you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and delete this message immediately from your computer. Any other use, retention, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: http://www.orafaq.com -- Author: Kathy Duret INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).