Oh, that was a low blow:-)

-----Original Message-----
Michael (TEM)
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:55 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

...and look what's happened to Enron!  :-0

And I might add, it works very well.

I did the same thing at Enron to prevent the
duhvelopers from changing account passwords.


                    Joe Testa

                    <teci@the-test       To:     Multiple recipients of list
                    as.net>              cc:

                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: Schema Owner

                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]


                    12/05/01 07:15


                    Please respond

                    to ORACLE-L

You can't revoke the privilege from the schema owner but you CAN keep
them from doing ddl and dml by using database triggers.

now the catch is this:

the trigger HAS to be owned by someone other than the schema owner AND
the schema owner can't have the alter any trigger privilege(either
direct or via a role).

so yes Virgina(since its the xmas season), you can keep the schema owner
from altering data in its own schema.


> Hamid - this was discussed recently on this list and as I recall you
> revoke the schema owner. Can you create a new userid and get them to use
> that? Then change the password on the schema owner. Barring that, you
> create a new schema, move the tables and indexes there, then grant select
> the original owner.
> Dennis Williams
> Lifetouch, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:15 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> May be odd question, but I realy need to do this, I want to revoke the
> privilege of the schema owner.
> I mean give only select priv to the schema owner.
> Thanks
> Hamid Alavi
> Office 818 737-0526
> Cell    818 402-1987
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