good day, DBA...
i'm now self-learning Oracle 8.1.6 Enterprise Edition.
using Oracle8.1.6 on Win2000 Advance Server,
and the Oracle Management Server also in the same machine.
after i faced the problem of ORA-12638 when attempt to login,
the Management Server failed to run.(even the Service).
now the error ORA-12638 is fixed by changing a line in sqlnet.ora.
yet i still cant start the Management Server Service.
when i check the "Event Viewer", it say,
    The service has terminated abnormally.  See the file 
    D:\Oracle\PODB\sysman\log\OMS.log for details.
and this:
    No login credentials were provided.  The service cannot start.
so, what's wrong with this?
pls help.
thanks and hav a nice day.

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