Title: FW: Electrical background

Sorry folks, that went to the wrong list.
I apologize.  We now return you to your
regularly scheduled Oracle discussion.

Matt Adams - GE Appliances - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thus spake the master programmer:
 "Let the programmers by many and the managers few,
Then all will be productive"  - The Tao of Programming

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adams, Matthew (GEA, 088130)
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 1:10 PM
> To: 'olist'
> Subject: Electrical background
> Anybody got a EE or electronics background?
> I've got a question about relays.
> ----
> Matt Adams - GE Appliances - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thus spake the master programmer:
>  "Let the programmers by many and the managers few,
> Then all will be productive"  - The Tao of Programming

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