Title: URGENT: need help by point in time recovery

Hi list,

I have a urgent problem. One of our developers has deleted all rows of a table on production database (database of a customer from us). We have a nightly cold backup and database is running in archivelog mode. On same server we have a test instance which has same structure as prod instance, only the folders are others. What I like to do is:

1. go to production and backup controlfile to trace
2. copy the cold backup (production) from last night into this test instance folders (datafiles, controlfiles...)
3. copy archive logs of production to archive log folders from test
4. startup testinstance nomaount
5. create new controlfile with backuped controlfile from trace
6. recover database until 'yyyy-dd-mm hh:........
7. export deleted table and import it in production database

My question is, if I make a clone of a database from a nightly cold backup, can I recover the database with newer archivelogs. Or is there any other method to get my data back (I don't have a actual export of database)?


Volker Schoen

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