Title: Message
you'll have to take a library cache dump and look for the latch number displayed in the P1 Field of your query.
Diego Cutrone
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:08 PM
Subject: Library Cache wait -- Who is holding this latch

Hi All
    I have a session which is waiting for Library Cache latch for 6 hours. How can I find who is holding this latch.
This session is executing a pl/sql script ( Not package ). Latch#  60 is library cache latch.
Here is from v$session_wait
  1  select * from v$session_wait
  2* where sid=1005
Press Enter to Continue ....
    SID        SEQ# EVENT                          P1TEXT                                                                
------- ----------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
P1RAW            P2TEXT                                                                    P2 P2RAW
---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------
                                                                                               Wait  Sec in
P3TEXT                                                                    P3 P3RAW              time   Wait  STATE
---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------
   1005        5987 latch free                     address                                                           @9925
07000001C0A5E228 number                                                                    60 000000000000003C
tries                                                                      0 00                   -1  32,962 WAITED SHORT
Brijesh Gupta
Oracle Production DBA

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