Title: Oracle OLE-DB

Hi All

Can anyone help me on this..Pls reply ASAP

The requirement is as follows:
-- The front-end is reading some data from external files (flat files like csv or maybe xml).
-- The middle tier application (C++ component) is processing this information
i.e. identifying the data and mapping the information to the respective table/column format
-- The middle tier application is storing this mapped information in some kind of buffer/array
-- The OLE-DB (or anything similar) set of functions/procedures should provide means to interface
with this buffer and also the oracle database.

I wanted to know if there is any layer (like OLE-DB or something similar) that
can read this and provide functions that can insert/update data to the oracle database.
Please let me know anyone's view on this. Let anybody forward me the ideas if any.


Viral Amin

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