I always set the global_name manually, with an update statement.  It does have to match, or it won't work.

Denham Eva wrote:


Hello List,

Have a problem,
Oracle 817
Win3K sp6
Trying to create a DB link between the production and the test dbs.

The db_link creates fine ( so it appears).
However when you try to run a script to reference the other, I get

select count(*) from workorder@maxie
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02085: database link MAXIE connects to MAXTEST.TFMC.CO.ZA

I checked out the manual, but it seems as thou I have created the link
I also checked out metalink, which suggested changing the global_name with
But this causes the following error:
ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found.

Has anyone got any ideas? Is this a bug?


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Scott Canaan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
(585) 475-7886
"Life is like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it" - Tom Lehrer

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