Hmmm ....

create or replace function myfunc (in_userlist in varchar2) 
return varchar2 is
  -- in_userlist is a comma delimited list of user numbers
  szRtnVar      varchar2(1000) := null;
  szSqlText     varchar2(1000) := null;
  vRefCur       REF CURSOR;
  szSqltext := 'select nvl(weight, 0) from tablea where usera in (' ||
in_userlist || ')';
  open vRefCur for szSqltext;
    fetch vRefCur into szTmp;
    exit when vRefCur%notfound;
    szRtnVar := szRtnVar || ',' || to_char(szTmp);
  end loop;
  if vRefCur%isopen then
    close vRefCur;
  end if;
  return (ltrim(szRtnVar,','));
end myfunc;

or if you have 8i, 9i then try this ...

create or replace function myfunc (in_userlist in varchar2) 
return varchar2 is
  -- in_userlist is a comma delimited list of user numbers
  szRtnVar      varchar2(1000) := null;
  itTmpTab      dbms_utility.uncl_array;  -- table type definition for
  szSqlText     varchar2(1000) := null;
  vRefCur       REF_CURSOR;
  nRows number := 0; -- holds number of rows
  szSqltext := 'select to_char(nvl(weight, 0)) from tablea where usera in ('
|| in_userlist || ')';
  execute immediate szSqlText BULK COLLECT into itTmpTab;
  dbms_utility.table_to_comma(itTmpTab, nRows, szRtnVar);
  return (szRtnVar);
end myfunc;

Of course check for syntaxes etc. Both these examples assume that the "in"
parameter is of type a,b,c,d etc.

Rajendra Jamadagni              MIS, ESPN Inc.
Rajendra dot Jamadagni at ESPN dot com
Any opinion expressed here is personal and doesn't reflect that of ESPN Inc.

QOTD: Any clod can have facts, but having an opinion is an art!


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