I have a bugging problem, I will try to explain it...

We need to store rules into the databse ...

Rule 1 says : if the name of a person = 'A' , age  is > 20 , state ='YSA' the execute procedure1

Another rule says

Rule 2 : if the name of a person = 'A' , age  is > 20 the execute procedure2

Now if we try to save a person record as follows
Name ='A' and age = 23 then both the rules would be executed.

Now my problem, there could be hundreds of such rules, so when I save the person record, how do I find which rule to be applied
What is the best optimum method to store these rules in the database and what is the best solution to find which rule to be applied..

Please note that these are not the only parameters that could be there in the rules...

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