Hi DBA's,

I've been trying to isolate the bottleneck with our Oracle database.
I work as an Oracle DBA for the Government of a developing country (Belize). 
Recently, as it is income tax time, the department has to reconcile all 
witholdings by the employer with their payment receipt
records. This involves some data entry and a report generation by
employer (witholder) which lists all witholdings by each employee.
This report can generate lots of pages depending on the number of employees. 
In some cases, the report has to be run overnight, as it takes too long 
(several hours) to generate.
I've tried giving more resources to Oracle. I've tried creating a copy
of the production database on another machine to use only for generating 
reports. I've increased the size and number of rollback segments. I've tuned 
some parameters. However, I have not observed
any significant improvement in the report generation performance.
I know tuning the SQL might be required, however, I don't have much 
experience in this area. The SQL statemements were written by consultants 
who have long left. We do have the source code though.

We are running Oracle on NT 4.0
The NT server is a Dell 4400 with Dual CPU and 1GB RAM
We are using hardware RAID 5.
Our database is OLTP with reporting.
It is a small database (exported data is about 150 MB).

I would appreciate your recommendations and advice.

Thanks in advance,

Denmark Weatherburne

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