
I  have some trouble with this pl/sql procedure.  I would like

that this lvsql to be run only if the field Borttags_flagg = 0  but i get an error in 
the if statement, whatis wrong with this? It get the erromressage:
LS-00103: Encountered the symbol "||AvdNr||" when expecting one of the following:

   . ( * @ % & = - + < / > at in mod not rem then
   <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like

when I compile the whole procedure. Please help me with this.
(If the borttags_flagg  = 1 then it will continue the loop and check for next one. 

       If  A'||AvdNr||'.ICA_ARTIKEL@'||LookUpServerName|| 'BORTTAGS_FLAGG = 0 '' ||

(this lvsql is to be run only if field borttags_flagg = 0)                             
  lvSQL := 'SELECT 
A'||AvdNr||'.ICA_ARTIKEL@'||LookUpServerName|| ' ' ||
                                               --PBK.LPKORGEANREL ' ||
                                         'WHERE ICA_ARTIKEL.EAN=' || EanLPVara || ' ' 
ICA_ARTIKEL.DATUM<TO_DATE('''||inDatum||''',''YYYY-MM-DD'') ' ||
                                              -- 'AND ICA_ARTIKEL.BORTTAGS_FLAGG = 0 ' 
                                          'ORDER BY DATUM DESC';

The whole procedure you can see in the file:

(See attached file: testplsql.SQL)

Thanks  in advance

Roland S

Attachment: testplsql.SQL
Description: Binary data

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